If you have a radio connected you can use DTMF commands.
You can also enter them in the "connect box" and click DTMF.

*1 Disconnect Link
*2 Monitor Link
*3 Connect Link
*4 Command Mode
*5 Macros
*6 User Functions
*7 Connection Status/Functions
*8 User Functions
*9 User Functions
*0 User Functions
*A User Functions
*B User Functions
*C User Functions
*D User Functions

How to use them:
*1nnnnn = Disconnect specified link node # nnnnn
*2nnnnn = Connect specified link -- monitor only
*3nnnnn = Connect specified link -- tranceive
*4nnnnn = Enter command mode on specified (distant) connected node

For example, to connect to the Echo Reflector 40894, you would key your radio, wait a second, and send DTMF *340894
To disconnect, you would key your radio, wait a second, and send DTMF *140894

More commands:
*70 = System status
*71 = Disconnect a permanently connected link (use *71nnnnn)
*72 = Permanently connect specified link -- local monitor only
*73 = Permanently connect specified link
*75 = Full system status (all nodes- use with care, do not execute when connected to a large system)
*76 = Disconnect all links (a handy one to use)
*77 = Reconnect previously disconnected links

*80 = Force ID (local)
*81 = Give Time of Day (global)

Control operator (cop) functions.
*A0 = toggle test tone- entire network
*A1 = Say local IP
*A3 = Say Public IP
*A5 = Say Registration status
*A9 = One time parrot
*B1 = Properly halt the system
*B3 = Reboot the system
*B6 = Restart Asterisk

<-HamVOIP HDMI Premium by W2PW