From the main page, you will see several buttons. Select the view you want.
"Hypermon" contains Supermon with a Bubble Chart on the right showing your connections.
"Hypermon2" is the same, but uses Supermon2. Try both- they're slightly different.
"Allmon" is the older Allmon monitor, for simpler views.
Look for a "Login" link. The login name is 'admin' and the password is 'silver'
After you log in you will see many new buttons to play with.
If you decide to add or change login names per these instructions only change the .htpassswd
file in /srv/http/supermon2 and other logins for Hypermon, Supermon and Allmon will automatically match.
Similarly, if you change favorites, only change them in /srv/http/supermon2 and the favorites in Hypermon and Supermon will follow.
Favories include popular reflectors, the M0HOY echo relector, and many configurations such as:
Shutdown: the proper way to shutdown your node (duplicates pushing the power button).
Connection LED on and off: the blue LED will wink off every 6 seconds per connection on the main node
and adds a slower wink for the second node connections.
WiFi/Ethernet LED off/on
HDMI/3.5mm side audio jack volume low/medium/high/maximum volume (affects the speaker or HDMI monitor).
USB low/medium/high/maximum volume (affects the headphone loudness or radio transmit audio).
ALT USB low/medium/high/maximum volume (affects some headphone loudness, depending on chipset).
Touchscreen dim/bright, if you have an offical Pi 7" LCD display.
Newsline and ARRL News plays Amateur Radio Newsline or ARRL News locally
Repeaterisms: play a random humorous operating tip as if heard from a Higher Power.
The white box is the connection window. Enter the node number you wish to connect/disconnect,
be sure the dropdown to the left is the node you are controlling, and click connect, disconnect, etc.
Other aspects of Supermon and Supermon2, and HamVOIP in general, are documented at Hamvoip
Another good reference is at ASL_FAQ but do be aware that this is *not* ASL, it's HamVOIP
To get to the familiar HamVOIP menu from the desktop, click the lower left icon, then logout. You will drop to the menu.
Reboot to return to the familiar desktop.
VNC: in some situations you may desire to view the whole desktop from a PC, not just the Hypermon page. If so,
from the HamVOIP menu (seen on SSH at 547810.local port 333 where 547810 is your node number) use the menu choice
Start_VNC_Server. The screen will go blue. Then from a VNC viewer go to 547810.local:0
where 547810 is your node number.
The password is 'silver' and you will see the desktop. Note, there are very little use cases for this.
To terminate the VNC server,
back at the HamVOIP menu in SSH/ keyboard, type CTRL-C.
Note: The selection of audio out the 3.5mm or HDMI jack is assigned at boot. If HDMI is active at boot, then
audio will come out the HDMI and not from the 3.5mm stereo jack.
<-HamVOIP HDMI Premium by W2PW