In 1906, Under-Secretary of the Colonial Office Winston Churchill
"Where there is great power there is great responsibility".
First, the reponsibilities...
Do not Not NOT EVER connect 2 reflectors together! ALWAYS disconnect before connecting.
You can easily tell if you are already connected by counting the "winks" on the blue LED.
The pattern: solid blue is WiFi connected. One quick wink every 6 seconds is main node connection count.
Count the quick winks. 1=one 2=two etc. up to a maximum of four shown.
A second pattern of slower winks shows the number of connections on the secondary private node.
When you are finished, PLEASE shutdown your node with any of the following methods:
Push and hold the poweroff button for 30-60 seconds.
In the dashboard, under favorites, look for "Shutdown"
At the BASH prompt, execute /etc/asterisk/local/W2PW/gpio0on
At the desktop (HDMI) click the lower left icon, do a power off
With ANY method, watch for the lower-left green motherboard power LED to extinguish,
wait 20 seconds, THEN remove power.
Now, the POWERS!
You can link via the dashboard by entering the node number in the white box and clicking "Connect"
You can also go to "Favorites" and use the dropdown to select nodes to connect.
Do try the Echo Reflector 40894. Get a feel for how your audio sounds. Use the Mic level in Favorites
to adjust- don't rely on mic placement to set your outgoing level.
Some cool Allstar reflectors and nodes:
East Coast Reflector is Allstar 27339
The WIN System (Western Intertie Network) is Allstar 2560
The WAN System (Wide Area Network Repeater System) is Allstar 2135
The Great South Bay Amateur Radio Club (GSBARC) is Allstar 465710
... ENJOY!
Check out The Allstar Wiki.
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