HamVOIP HDMI Port Info

Due to the nature of Allstar, outgoing calls can generally be made without configuring any ports on your router.
However, incoming calls will not work without opening at least one port. To make life vastly easier on the user,
HamVOIP HDMI by W2PW uses uPNP (Universal Plug-n-play) to request ports from your router.

The ports are:

333 TCP for SSH access (allows remote help)
4569 UDP for Allstar IAX access (allows incoming calls)
5038 TCP for Manager (allows Node Remote)
5198 UDP, 5199 UDP and 5200 TCP for Echolink.
50000 TCP for httpd (allows external Hypermon access)

This is a technique that is generally safe but if you do NOT want it for any reason, you can
place a '#' in front of the line that calls 'redirect' in '/etc/asterisk/local/W2PW/initialize' and reboot.

Upon proper shutdown (either with the power button, DTMF *B1, or the Hypermon "Favorites" menu),
the system will release the ports. It's important to do so if your node hops IP address (for example going from wired
to wireless), or if your router reboots and "shuffles the deck" with all the inside IPs.

<-HamVOIP HDMI Premium by W2PW