How to program the SHARI SA-818 Analog RF module:

HamVOIP Main Menu, choose BASH prompt, or use PuTTY

Type 818-prog, enter
Enter Channel Spacing (0 or 1): 1
Enter Tx Frequency (xxx.xxxx): Enter the transmit frequency with all four trailing decimals.
Enter Rx Frequency (xxx.xxxx): Enter the receive frequency with all four trailing decimals.
Enter Tx ctcss Code Value (xxxx): Enter the tone encode code from the chart below.
Enter Rx ctcss Code Value (xxxx): Enter the tone decode code from the chart below.
Enter Squelch Value (1-9): 1
Enter Volume (0-8): 8
Enable Pre/De-Emphasis (y/[n]): n
Enable Low Pass Filter (y/[n]): n
Enable High Pass Filter (y/[n]): n
Review the entries, and when correct type "y" and the SHARI will be programmed.

CTCSS frequencies and codes. Be SURE to use all four places, so 3 would be 0003 and 14 would be 0014.

Tone Code Tone Code Tone Code Tone Code Tone Code Tone Code
67.0> 0001 88.5> 0008 114.8> 0016 151.4> 0024 203.5> 0032 250.3> 0038
69.3> -N/A 91.5> 0009 118.8> 0017 156.7> 0025 206.5> -N/A 254.1> -N/A
71.9> 0002 94.8> 0010 123.0> 0018 162.2> 0026 210.7> 0033
74.4> 0003 97.4> 0011 127.3> 0019 167.9> 0027 218.1> 0034
77.0> 0004 100.0> 0012 131.8> 0020 173.8> 0028 225.7> 0035
79.7> 0005 103.5> 0013 136.5> 0021 179.9> 0029 229.1> -N/A
82.5> 0006 107.2> 0014 141.3> 0022 186.2> 0030 233.6> 0036
85.4> 0007 110.9> 0015 146.2> 0023 192.8> 0031 241.8> 0037

You can also enter a DCS code by using its number appended with upper-case "N" or "I".
Example: DCS 631 normal looks like 631N. 243 inverted is 243I.

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